Directions to
Timmons House
Timmons House is at 3850 Oak Road, on the side of the street closer to Penn
Charter. Oak Road borders the Penn Charter campus on the east. There is a
tree-lined path connecting Penn Charter's main building to Timmons House.
Parking is available on Oak Road and in front of the main building of the

Directions to
Bob Ward's Farm
1129 Davis Lane
Chester Springs, PA
The farm is 10 minutes from the PA Turnpike, following the directions below.
It is about 50 minutes from either Penn Charter or the Joseph Ambler Inn. Exit the PA Turnpike at the Downingtown exit (one exit west of Valley
Forge). Proceed north (turn right off the exit) on PA Route 100 and go
2.7 miles, through the village of Eagle, to the light at Fellowship
Road (big Lexus dealership on far right corner). Turn right on Fellowship
Road and in 1.7 miles, at the stop sign, cross Route 401. After 1.3
more miles, turn left on Horseshoe Trail at the T intersection. Take
Horseshoe Trail for 0.1 mile to Davis Lane (just after the big cow
barn). Turn right on Davis Lane, which will start out paved and turn to a
dirt road. Drive for 0.4 miles to the Wards' house, on the left at the bottom of the hill. Look
for old stone walls and barn.
